Kids school update

Cadence has become a math nerd! She diligently learned her multiplication table and is very into algebra (like her mom!). She has become so much more confident. She has made a lot of friends and seems very happy in school. Here is G-daddy fulfilling his dream of helping Cadence with her homework.

Blake is learning so much! He’s mastered identifying his letters. It seems to be at such a fast pace. He is getting additional reading support because he’s behind the benchmarks. Mrs. Shaw isn’t worried. We try and practice his letters daily. 

They both really enjoy school! I’m amazed by the support they have. Even Cadence has an aide in their class. It’s nice that Blake is getting additional assistance as well. 

One thought on “Kids school update

  1. Yee

    Happy they’re both doing so well there. So, it would seem the extra high taxes are totally worth it, after all! 😀
    Great photo! xoxo


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