cadence has a bunch of smash balls all over our house. They started leaking so (I thought) we threw them all away and I gave her a new one. She runs over to me and tells me a smash ball is leaking! I ask her if she’s sure it’s not the new one that got wet and she replied she could tell it was an old one bc the face had already started to wear off.
Monthly Archives: November 2016
The Giving Tree
I read Cadence the giving tree. When I was done I asked why she thought the tree gave her branches, etc to the boy. She said, bc she loved him? I said yes, like I love you. I’d give you everything. She said she wouldn’t ask me for my branches bc she wouldn’t want me to be sad like the tree. ❤️❤️❤️
After Cadence didn’t wear her costume at school, Jane convinced her to go trick or treating and dress up. She dressed as a kitty. After her first successful candy retrieval, she got into it. We were out for a little over an hour before she got too cold.
Cadence made an observation while we were trick or treating — she noticed some people gave her candy and put it in her bag and some let her choose. She was wondering why that was. She’s so smart.
And she’s sweet. She gave Adam all her kit kat bars and said “eat as much as you want daddy” ❤️❤️❤️