Monthly Archives: October 2012

39 week appointment

Appointment went well. Crystal said Cadence is head down & low. I’m on target as far as uterus size (39 weeks). I’ve gained 31 lbs so far & have been really hungry!!!

Cadence has been moving a ton recently & I have had more discomfort as far as Braxton Hicks.

If CJ doesn’t come on her own, I’ll be induced Nov 13th (my paternal grandmother Β and cousin Jade’s bday!) and probably will deliver on Nov 15th.

We didn’t do a cervix check which is supposed to be uncomfortable & wouldn’t change anything.

I don’t like that it could be any day! Hurricane Sandy’s supposed to hit early next week – Dad asked what we’d do if I have to get to the hospital – I said pray!

38 week apptmt

I went to the doc on Thursday – everything continues to be good. Dr. Navathe asked me who I thought Cadence would look like – I told her my dream of having a red headed kid with blue eyes & freckles. She was excited to see Cadence, being a mixed baby. We did an ultrasound b/c I asked if CJ was head down which was cool (saw her melon head and reptilian spine). Doc didn’t say anything about size or when I may delivery – she said she could check my cervix if I want but I’m going to avoid the discomfort until I get closer.

If I don’t start feeling more contractions soon we’ll have to start discussing next steps soon. Getting close!

And surprised I’m still gaining weight. Haven’t really felt (except for the one week where she was super hard about 2 weeks ago) a lack of space for food or air. Continue to sleep well and feel mostly good. Biggest pain is the swollen hand and feet. I need foot massages… πŸ™‚

can you feel the love tonight….

Just wanted to thank everyone – just feel surrounded by good will and love. everyone’s been so amazing & so excited for Adam, me and baby Cadence. I feel so lucky to have so many great friends & family members in our lives.

So thank you to everyone. Thank you so much for enriching our lives with your love. =)