Monthly Archives: July 2012

Fat baby

I think CJ must be going through a growth spurt (does that happen with babies or is growth consistent?).

Her movements are def more pronounced and since about 7/9 I lost my energy. Riding the T in the AM has sucked! Three more months too!

All in all, been an easy pregnancy. Been enjoying the awe of her growing and moving – I can’t wait to meet you Cadence!

What makes cadence kick

– me sitting/sleeping
– juice
– daddy (think she reacts to his heat)

Also, have been trying to see cadence moving but she seems shy and would stop once I looked down. But tonight I caught the quake! How freaky! Trying to catch a video but then she stops again. :/ Already showing mommy the spite. :p

monthly doc apptmt

had our monthly doc apptmt, everything went well. we listened to Cadence’s heartbeat & both got a TDap shot.

i’ve gained 11 lbs in the first 25 weeks. uterus is 24 cms. nothin else cray going on – all is well (albeit hot).

i do the diabetes test next month and then i start my apptmts every other week. sigh.