8/6/16 we went to Paint Nite for the first time all together for MeeMee’s birthday!
8/6/16 then things got admittedly weird when we started swapping faces!
8/6/16 and then we went to have a lot of meat (read: fat) for MeeMee’s birthday!
8/6/16 I got Paw to swap faces with me and I feel great about it
8/6/16 Steph got super lethargic (same with Mike) from all of the fatty foods, but mostly this photo is hilarious because Sam’s body looks super weird in this shot
8/6/16 we did masques at the end of the night and Cadence and MeeMee were the cutest little seals
8/7/16 got ice cream at Mitchell’s in Ohio City
8/7/16 went to Cedar Hill for a festival where Cadence got to meet Elsa