Baby Blake
Saturday, August 12th, night of meteorite showers, just past 36 weeks, my water broke.
Cadence, San, & I had just returned from gelato. I get out of the car, and boom, water everywhere. I wonder if I peed on myself (far too early for my water to break!) & rush inside. I call Adam & ask him to look up how to tell if I peed or water broke. He said to lay down with clean, dry underwear and a pad to see if liquids accumulate.
Adam gets San. We head to Newton-Wellesley Hospital. The nurses ask me how Cadence’s birth went, I tell them her head got stuck on my pelvic bone. They look at Adam & say, yeah, look at his head (or something to that effect)! He replies, you should see her father’s head!
I get admitted and they administer pitocin as they’re worried about infections with preemies. My contractions are slow. We try walking, sleeping. A nurse does crazy yoga-esque exercises with me to help my contractions along. She said I was one of the best woman in labor since I was still smiling after 24 hours. The exercises definitely helped and hurt. I took the epidural somewhere after the 24 hour mark and rested while my cervix expanded. I pushed for 10 minutes and through two contractions. I was happy to be less drugged and more present for this delivery. They put little Blake on my chest. I cut his umbilical cord (Adam declined) & checked out my placenta (which looked like a liver or something).
Blake Chopper Gendreau was born at 4.54 am on August 14th 2017, 19 inches and 5 lbs 14.8 ounces.
He looks like Cadence when she was born but is much calmer. He’ll sleep in a crib by himself! he doesn’t scream when he pees!
They administer a “car seat” test Tuesday. He doesn’t pass. We joke that this is ridiculous and just another way for the hospital to make money selling their car seats. They bring him up to special care with me crying everywhere. He has issues with maintaining his oxygen levels.
Over the next two weeks, we go back and forth to the hospital, meeting a ton of nurses and doctors. They assure us this is pretty normal for preemies. It’s disappointing to have to continually start the countdown again. But we know he’s in good hands.